Everything you need to know about Cashew Allergies

Throughout the developed world, up to 20% of people suffer from allergies. This pesky condition is caused when the immune system overreacts to something that has come into contact with a body that is typically innocuous and attacks it causing symptoms that range from irritating to life-threatening. At least one percent of the United States population is allergic to tree nuts, and that includes Cashews. If there are some health benefits of cashew then its side effect is also there. When one out of every hundred persons could be harmed by something as innocent as a Cashew, it’s important that people stay informed about these allergies.

What Causes a Cashew Allergy?

Some people have a genetic predisposition towards allergies, while some may have come into contact with an allergen during a time in their life when their immune system was weakened by something like a virus. Their overactive immune system sees these allergens as threats, and when the body comes into contact with these “triggers,” there is an immune response.

How to Spot an Allergic Reaction?

While an allergy to tree nuts is one of the most common types of allergies, it also causes some of the most severe reactions. When someone with a tree nut allergy eats a Cashew or for some, just merely come into contact with a Cashew they may experience some of all of the following symptoms:  stomach distress, cramps, nausea, vomiting, itching in the mouth, throat, eyes or itching, in general, all over the body, difficulty swallowing, a tight throat, shortness of breath and finally in the most serious of reactions anaphylaxis in which breathing becomes extremely difficult and the body may go into shock.

What to do in case of an Allergy Attack?

It is recommended that anyone with an allergy to Cashews carry an epi-pen. In the case of a severe allergic reaction, the epi-pen should be used. Call emergency services and remove the triggering allergen from the area. Do not leave a victim of an allergy attack alone.

Cashew Allergy Treatment

Anyone who suspects they have an allergy to Cashews should consult with an allergist and get an official diagnosis so they can get access to live-saving epi-pens. Tree Nut Allergy sufferers should make every effort always to avoid their triggers. Vigilance is a must for anyone who has an allergy to Cashews to ensure they avoid a dangerous reaction. They should avoid all tree nuts and all tree nut products such as oils, butter, and milk. Tree nuts can be found in some alcoholic beverages, and tree nut oils can be found in hygiene products like lotions and soaps.

Having an allergy to Cashews can be scary or even life-threatening, but health and safety can be found in educating oneself about the allergy while avoiding the triggering substances.

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