The Importance of Skilled Trades

The Importance of Skilled Trades

Skilled Trades are becoming popular day by day. Its popularity has led to an increase in demand for skilled trades. Manufacturing relies on machinists, technicians handle day to day repairs and maintenance, the construction never stops, food is always in demand, restaurants rely on its chefs and bakers, healthcare workers and nurses are always in demand. What are these? These are the skilled trade workers that we need every day.

What are the Skilled Trades?

The work that requires special skills such as being a therapist, electrician, a programmer is called skilled trades, and many terms know the person working with these skills. These terms are- skilled tradesman, skilled labor, skilled worker, and many more. People can acquire these trades through specialized training, technical school, or college. Due to an increase in demand for skilled trades, these skills are now required in every field like healthcare, manufacturing, etc.

Types of Skilled Labor Trades

Skilled trades can be categorized into three types:

1. Skilled Service Trades

The people in this category are trained to be specialized in a single service like a nurse, service technician, therapist, chef, baker, etc.

2. Skilled Industrial Trades

The people in this category are specialized to work in the industry. They are trained to work with certain industrial tools.

For example, welders, mechanics, blacksmiths, etc.

3. Skilled Construction Trades

The people in this category are trained to work on construction sites and are specialized in a certain role. For example, carpenter, plumber, brick and stonemason, etc.

Let us discuss the Importance of Skill Trade

1. Skilled trades jobs are high in demand. Manufacturing Industries require a large number of people with skilled trades, especially skilled industrial and construction trades. We cannot think of an industry without technicians, mechanics, carpenter, plumber, etc. Industries and warehouses also require nurses and doctors present as these areas are very prone to accidents.

2. Trades are the future. Skilled traders are the builders of the country. A skilled worker has built everything around us. They build and maintain the physical infrastructure. Skilled workers own the future. It is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurship and career advancement. With proper training, you can build a successful career in the trades.

3. Learning a new skill is not boring. And if you love your skill, then you would love your job. Working as skilled tradesmen or women is adventurous. In skilled trade jobs, you won’t get stuck behind a desk. You will be active and will have a healthy work/life balance.

4. Working in the trades provides good income and security of the job. Workers also enjoy flexible working hours.

Also Read: 7 Fastest Growing Careers in the Construction Industry

5. You do not require a college degree to work as a skilled tradesmen or woman. People with technical education and experience are more likely to be employed. All you need to have is specialized training in your skill and a burning passion for it. You would not have to take any educational loans. This would also ensure that you are debt-free.

6. You can also work part-time in skilled labor. Many students prefer to put their creativity to use and earn some pocket money by working as skilled trade labor.

7. Some people love to seek adventure and want to put their creativity to use. They do not want to do boring jobs. Not everyone belongs to an office. This generation craves adventure and is very sharp-minded. This has generated employment and more jobs in this field.

8. An increase in the demand for skilled trademen has made way for unemployed and young people to get a job in this field. From electricians to machinists, industries and warehouses require a large number of tradesmen and tradeswomen specialized in every skill.

9. Women must consider a career in skilled labor trades. Women are a great candidate for skilled training.

10. Your career path doesn’t have to stop with certification. Trade people and skilled labor trades are in high demand as trades instructors, inspectors, and supervisors. Many can also start up their businesses in the trades.

11. The generation gap can create a skilled labor shortage. This shortage creates a number of open jobs for the new generation in the trades. Skill trade provide unlimited career options.

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